Maths a statement or theorem, usually containing its proof Proposition a declarative sentence … It was like my vocal cords opened for me to breath and closed when I held my breath, but that was it. She crossed to a stall and closed the door, focusing on a portal to the shadow world. Examples of how to use “closed system” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Since Florida is a closed primary, independent ballots only had the property tax amendment on them. Alex whisked them into the car, making sure their doors were securely closed before he slipped into the driver's seat. As soon as the couple joined Fred behind the closed door of their office-sitting room, Dean explained the identity of their new guest. 5. Jetr crossed to the door and closed it before asking, "Have you given any thought to what I warned you of a few weeks ago?". quickly closed his eye again, and let his head sink still lower. Moreover, my voice may have been drowned in the heavy sigh with which she closed the nursery door. He went to the window opposite the figure and closed his eyes, then whipped the curtain open. Each of these sentences is a closed sentence. She placed her hands on either side of his and closed her eyes, concentrating. You can stop this war here, now, Purple-eyes said with a look that made her snap her eyes closed. Yully closed the door behind her, shaking out of fear and cold. Determined to enjoy her first relaxing experience in a few weeks, she watched to make sure the door closed behind him and went to the locker room. Alex waved Katie through and closed the gate. For example, you would say "A.J. She lolled her head back and closed her eyes. She followed his directions, slammed her door closed, and locked it. Damian returned his interest to the displays, and Han closed the door softly. She wasn't on my list, probably because the police considered the case closed. 4. Cupped in his hand was a tiny black kitten, its eyes still closed. She closed the tin and handed it back to him. She quickly closed her sketchbook and turned to face him with a shocked expression. She ducked into the room and whirled to push it closed just as quickly. Gradually his grip weakened and then his eyes closed. Jackson closed his eyes tightly in an attempt to summon courage. He placed the necklace in Damian's hand and closed it gently. 3. Yully closed her eyes and reached out towards her father. A'Ran closed the connection and checked the evacuation progress. Can be true or false (depending on the value of n) z is a positive number. She squeezed her eyes closed, heart slamming in her tight chest. …to distinguish between open and closed sentences. She closed the journal and began her preparation. She squeezed her eyes closed and breathed deeply, swaying. She slid over, cuddling close to him, her head on his pillow. He closed his eyes, his jaw clenched hard enough for the muscles to tick. The light was coming from under a closed door at the end of a hallway. She closed her eyes and prayed fervently. The planning board of the finance division constantly meets behind closed doors, in case its negotiations become known in advance. In each example, the independent clause is underlined. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the pod. He closed the door and walked around to the other side. Brady's eyes closed, and Lana touched his face, terrified of the blood and his paling skin. So she—" Gladys read from her notes, "...stepped up on the velvet chair, tightens the silken cord about her neck, and closed her eyes....". 2. Deidre squeezed her eyes closed, not wanting to see Darkyn response and afraid his anger might be directed at her. They crept through the hallways, avoiding any that seemed crowded. Bianca waited until she heard the door click closed and looked across the small bay to make sure her daddy still slept. She closed her eyes and leaned back against his chest cupping her hands over his. When the back door closed, she emerged from her room. Should I date him? He closed the door behind him, and she rubbed her face again. For example, in the first sentence below, work functions as a noun; in the second sentence, a verb; and in the third sentence, an adjective: Bosco showed up for work two hours late. Toby closed his eyes, focusing hard on searching the memories of all the angels that came before him. Brady complied and closed the connection. Her eyes were closed, but color bloomed in her cheeks. closed sentence synonyms, closed sentence pronunciation, closed sentence translation, English dictionary definition of closed sentence. It opened only when the other had closed, and she toppled into Mansr's arms. He went to the guestroom next door and closed the door. She closed her eyes and said another prayer before she clamped a sweaty hand around the cold door handle. By 1913, the post office was closed and the town had dwindled to two dozen remaining souls, and before long, it was left to indigenous wildlife and the spirits of a boisterous past. A small door—possibly leading to a bathroom or closet—was closed and blocked by one of Ully.s science toys the size of a copy machine. Example 1: Examine the sentences below. How to use close-in in a sentence. Just a road leading to the small parking area and a closed ticket booth for the ferry. He closed his eyes and inched toward her, then turned his head in an unsuccessful attempt to retreat. His eyes closed and he was soon fast asleep. He opened his eyes to face Han outside her closed door. Sofia pulled again at her bindings and closed her eyes against the blood splatters on the ceiling. Unable to process what was before her, Deidre closed the door and swallowed hard. - It is here, also… A midmorning breeze drifted through the windows to her right, and she closed her eyes. Deidre waited until the portal closed then bolted out of the gardens. She closed her eyes and concentrated again. The door closed behind her, leaving her in near-complete darkness. He opened the bottom drawer, placed it in the back beneath his never used shorts and closed it with a slam. When the subject is the agent or doer of the action, the verb is in the active voice.When the subject is the patient, target or undergoer of the … However, parking was next to impossible, as preparations were underway for the morning parade, and driving by, he noticed the market was closed for the holiday. He growled low, and she jumped, squeezing her eyes closed. Examples of closed shop in a sentence, how to use it. If you can answer a question with only a \"yes\" or \"no\" response, then you are answering a closed-ended type of question. Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy. I turned our closed circuit cameras on to the flag-wavers and they appeared on the huge screens above the stage. And then he left the room, pulling the door snugly closed behind him. She didn't fully register his words until the door closed behind him. For the ordinary English language meaning see Sentence (linguistics), for a less technical introductory article see Statement (logic).. When she closed her laptop, Jackson said, "I thought after, we could head toward the water and find a restaurant for lunch, then walk the beach if it's not too cold.". All Rights Reserved. When you denote times of day, use periods in "a.m." and "p.m." Likewise, when referring to nicknames, titles and degrees, use periods and commas. Deidre closed her eyes and rested against him, trying to imagine what the last days of her life would be like. Driving was out of the question as the mid-morning parade, scheduled to begin in a few minutes, was forming on Main Street, which was now closed to traffic. The shower was on and the bathroom door closed. A number sentence is a group of numbers and mathematical symbols (such as , or ) that gives information about the numbers. I left the phone off the hook, retreated back to the bedroom and with my heart racing, I closed the door behind me. He stood outside a closed door down a short hallway lined with warriors. He closed the door behind him with a cold laugh, not bothering to bind her. His eyes were closed, his body hunched and hands clenched together. There are different reasons why a meeting comes to an end. The demon closed the … She closed her eyes, and dampness slid through her, over her. He rode through and closed it, never looking her way. They entered a quieter wing, and Jenn stopped to knock on a closed door. She.d cracked the door to her heart for Rhyn to shove his foot in the door and now needed to close, lock, and deadbolt it closed again. English Exclamatory Sentence 10 Examples, 10 Examples of Exclamatory Sentences; Exclamatory Sentences Sentences containing surprise or emotion are called exclamation sentences. However, what did I discover but the child at the sink alone and the doors to two stalls closed! 2. Ully obeyed. Copyright © 2018 Effie stood in the middle of the room, as if enthralled and after all the smiles and appropriate handshakes, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Only by laying stone on stone with the cooperation of all, by the millions of generations from our forefather Adam to our own times, is that temple reared which is to be a worthy dwelling place of the Great God, he added, and closed his eyes. The door to Destiny & Jonathan's room was closed. Read More. Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more words. He stopped in front of the closed door to the massive set of chambers that were supposed to be his. Jackson closed his eyes to fully appreciate her scent. Katie closed the door to the bedroom behind her. She was pale but breathing steadily, her enigmatic eyes closed. 5. In mathematical logic, a sentence (or closed formula) of a predicate logic is a Boolean-valued well-formed formula with … She closed her eyes, terrified of bleeding to death right there in her own home. For example, closed circuit television gives the helmsman a view of the engine compartment and of the aft deck of the boat. Most compound nouns are made with nouns that have been modified by adjectives or other nouns.. 2. Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Closed sentence definition: a formula that contains no free occurrence of any variable | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. How are closed systems used in chemistry? Albany is the capital of New York State. Yully stopped at the end of the driveway and squeezed her eyes closed, tormented by her conscience. Dusty gave a curt nod and closed his eyes. He closed his eyes briefly and began loosening his tight grip on the line, readying himself to rappel downward. Howie and I entered the room and closed the door. Overwhelmed, she closed her eyes, enjoying the heat. He listened to what Langeron said, as if remarking, "So you are still at that silly business!" Let's take a look at some common complex sentence examples pertaining to everyday life. Yully squeezed her eyes closed, relieved the bartender wasn't buried in her backyard with the others. She closed her eyes and rested her head back. She closed the door, surprised at how quiet her room was. He put his head back and closed his eyes for a short time, but the pounding headache and the burning in his throat only intensified. Kris opened the door to his lab, pushed him in, and closed it. 10 - 1 = 9 1. Lana closed the door behind her and looked around, dismayed. Jackson closed his eyes and nodded to her. She felt his fear and squeezed her eyes closed, the man in her arms colliding with the man hiding in the corner of her mind. The door closed behind them as he strode through the lighted, vacant halls, following a familiar path on the way to the chamber. Have you already com… She closed and locked the door behind her. The count was delighted at Anna Mikhaylovna's taking upon herself one of his commissions and ordered the small closed carriage for her. Conjunctions are connectors that link actors or objects, and specify relationships between clauses in the sentence. He closed the door and they walked several yards down the hall before he spoke. For a long time she lay wide awake with her eyes closed. Will you please do me a favor? In 1966, Mao Zedong closed the universities in China and sent their students and professors to the country to farm. 2. Dusty closed his eyes to Travel and opened them, arriving to his favorite room in HQ, the war room. He flung the door open and shoved the healer into the room, ignoring the two surprised occupants of the chamber as he closed the door without entering. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself. Time may run out, or all of the items in the agenda may be checked off. The last time he glanced at the clock it was three-thirty and he'd still not closed his eyes. But if they thought she and Bordeaux were engaged, the matter would be closed. Struggling against the demands of his roaring blood, Rhyn closed his eyes, sought his magic and willed himself awake. She closed her eyes and said a prayer of thanks before she answered him. She closed her eyes against the sunlight and took another two steps into the garden. And paint a coat with epoxy closed primary coat paint. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Rhyn rested back on the boulder and closed his eyes to the rhythmic sounds of waves and Gabriel trying to kill the practice dummy. He closed his eyes and leaned back his head. When it finally started down the runway, she closed her eyes. Disoriented, she kept her eyes closed as she savored the kiss. What is a Compound Noun. They reached their quarters and closed the door. Now, first of all consider these situations. A footman wanted to come in to clear away something in the room but she would not let him, and having closed the door behind him continued her walk. She had forgotten not to smile and to keep her lips closed together. But, if you are asked to tell about your family background, you will have to answer it in detail using all information that you have… She closed the distance between them and hugged her brother. 9 is an odd number. Deidre opened her door to him and closed it behind him. Damian closed his eyes and opened them, materializing in his suite in Tucson. For the next three days the clinic would be closed. His fingers closed around her arm and he firmly pulled her back. The portal closed behind his half-brother, and Kiki lowered the knife in his hand, facing Kris. Philippa exclaimed pathetically, as the door closed upon the last of her callers. The door closed behind her, and he pointed to a chair. Jackson laid his head back and closed his eyes. The door was closed but lopsided in its frame while half the lights overhead were burnt out. 3. He followed Julia out the door and closed it securely. She entered, and Rainy closed the door behind her. Toby followed the directions he saw in his memories and led them to a small chamber near the center of the fortress. Ignoring the persistent ring, she put the chicken in the oven and closed the door. There was a quick glance toward the closed bedroom door. She closed her eyes to the gentle flow and strange sensations: Jule's warmth, her father's hot-cold rain, the ancient power of the ruins. Definition: A closed sentence is an objective statement which is either true or false. She needed him too much to wait and closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around him. Brady joined her and pulled the door closed behind them. Cynthia leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes while Brandon Westlake acted as if he were taking a Sunday afternoon ride in the park. Sometimes all is not as it appears to be behind closed doors. Kiera closed the door to the studio slowly, uncertain what she felt. Philippa exclaimed pathetically, as the door, Moreover, my voice may have been drowned in the heavy sigh with which she, Also the inquisitiveness of the Editor had irritated him and had, Her cheerful smile shone on him for an instant; then she entered the house and, And he saw at once that the curtains remained, Patricia watched the three figures walking briskly down the street, and she, It was a sort of inner drawing-room apparently, for there were, He had followed her into the wide hall while the Governor, Then, in a businesslike manner, he returned to the windows and, Air! Deidre closed the door to her room and leaned against it, struggling to make sense of everything. Darkyn's arm slid around her when the portal closed behind Gabriel. She quietly opened the door to her room and carefully closed it behind her and took a deep breath. After breakfast, she closed her account at the bank and turned in her resignation. Define closed sentence. Even the closed doors of the 'cultured and educated.'. He lay back and closed his eyes, trying to picture the sad death, the end of the sad life of a woman, now resurrected to importance after a hundred years of total obscurity. She closed her eyes to summon the portal when the door bucked. He had never felt such shame and self-loathing. She wrapped her arms around her knees and closed her eyes for a brief rest. Toby stepped out of the cell and closed it. On receiving it, he ran on tiptoe to his study in alarm and haste, trying to escape notice, closed the door, and began to read the letter. It housed two beds and two sets of drawers and was connected to a shared bathroom by a closed door. Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave. Blinded by sunlight and blue sky, she closed her eyes. He held out his arm towards a closed door leading to another corridor. He breezed by her and wrenched the door open, slamming it closed. There's a barn out back that's closed up so we can't see if the vehicle is here. The exclamation words used in the exclamation sentences where sudden changing emotions and thoughts are told give information about the course of the sentence. His gaze went to her wrist, and he closed the distance between them, taking it. The pain melted into hot pleasure once again, and she closed her eyes as he fed long and hard. The assassin gave a trace of a smile, closed his eyes, and disappeared. Jade squeezed his eyes closed and said hoarsely, "No one can help me.". 0. Deidre turned around to find the hole between places had closed already. She closed the door to her room with Mrs. Lincoln still nestled in her arms. He took Ully's hand, and they stepped into it. Alex handed her the basket of eggs and closed the coop door. The demon lord entered and closed the door behind him. His head was bowed near hers, eyes closed, as if he was…pleased to share the moment with her. She squeezed her eyes closed at his response. She closed her eyes, watching the disjointed, fuzzy home videos playing in her mind. She.d cracked the door to her heart for Rhyn to shove his foot in the door and now needed to close, lock, and deadbolt it closed again. Pushing the cabinet closed, she jumped to find the stranger so close. Find more ways to say closed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the … Jule pushed the woman away from the door and slammed it closed. She leapt up and closed the door behind her, turmoil in her breast. He closed his eyes and remained silent a long time. The thick stone door behind her slid closed, and there was a pause before another door opened in front of her. Even with the door closed, Jade.s madness and the sounds of his body thrashing against the wall were audible in the small courtyard. After these words, the Mason, as if tired by his long discourse, again leaned his arms on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. Is the prime rib a special tonight? She swung her legs off the bed and closed her eyes. She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged. Lana raised the laser gun, closed her eyes and fired. I closed my eyes as I thought of a dozen questions about security breach. See also Closed primary and Open primary. She motioned for Deidre to enter then closed the door and locked it as soon as she did. He met her eyes, then closed his and swallowed hard, fighting back tears. 2. Dean closed his eyes as Randy explained excitedly about an offer to play ball. As he watched, spellbound, she revolved toward him, but he quickly closed his eyes lest he look upon her once beautiful face. Kris left, and Gabriel closed his eyes, crossing into the shadow world before emerging on the street outside the woman's apartment building. The door swung closed behind her, and fear trickled through her. Jule's eyes were closed and his skin clammy. If she closed her eyes, she would see the black memories crossing through his mind, but she allowed him his privacy. As he watched, spellbound, she slowly revolved toward him, but he closed his eyes lest he see her face. Helen noticed that the puppies' eyes were closed, and she said, "Eyes--shut. She closed her eyes as she stepped into and through the wall and opened them after two steps. Let's say the mine was closed up for years and only recently broken into. She looked at her husband, the most closed minded among us, when she spoke. Words until the first turn in the massive set of chambers that were supposed to as. Into it new guest his and swallowed around the doorknob, alex brought up... If to block the tears doors closed and the sound of whippoorwills and water! Sets of drawers and was connected to a shared bathroom by a closed carriage for her hear. 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