If the economy is operating at full employment and using resources efficiently, then an increase in spending for homeland security this year will: October 7, 2018 / in Brainy Term Papers / by Brainy. technological improvement can only improve the production of a single good. E. It opts to produce more sugar. could not produce any more of one good without sacrificing production of another good and without improving the production technology. To capitalize on its favorable climate for growing these fruits, the country decides to build some islands near … 13 When an economy is operating efficiently the production of more of one good, 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful, When an economy is operating efficiently, the production of more of one good will result in the production of. Inefficient and Unattainable Production Represent combinations that do not employ resources fully, employ them inefficiently, or both. Campus Labs is pleased to present an approach to achieving the balance between educating effectively and operating efficiently. The reason is that every resource is better suited to producing one good than another. b. more of one good can be produced without producing less of another. Economic Papers are written by the Staff of the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, or by experts working in association with them. b. there is no way to produce more of one good without producing less of the other. D) scarcity can be eliminated. Goods and services are being produced using the most resources. The following question(s) relate(s) to the material in the addendum to Chapter 2. When an economy producing two goods is operating efficiently and at full employment, increasing the production of one good will result in a decrease in the amount of the other good that can be produced The more specialized the resources, the more bowed out the production possibility curve. All Of The Economy A)An economy with many unemployed workers and idle factories is not operating efficiently. If an economy is operating efficiently: a. the rich and poor have adequate access to the available goods and services. Economic efficiency occurs when the cost of producing a given output is as low as possible.Technological efficiency is an engineering matter. Refer to Table 2-4. shaquanbrown30. c. equal amounts of the two goods are being produced. Which of the following would allow the production possibilities curve for an economy to shift outward? QUESTION 6 The concave (bowed out) shape of the PPC indicates that a, as the production of one good rises, the opportunity cost of that production rises. b. scarcity has been eliminated. ____ When an economy is operating efficiently: a. domestic production exceeds the value of foreign output. When an economy is operating efficiently, the production of more of one good will result in the production of less of some other good because a. consumers do not want more of both goods. When a firm or economy is operating efficiently, it is operating on its production possibilities frontier If an economy is producing inefficiently a) it is possible to increase production of all goods simultaneously b) it is possible to increase production of one good at the expense of another In this video, Sal explains how the production possibilities curve model can be used to illustrate changes in a country's actual and potential level of output. If Millhouse buys a copy from Muntz for $60, he receives consumer's surplus of: Kenneth is having a garage sale. If an economy is operating inefficiently, then a. the economy can increase production of consumption goods without reducing capital goods. Increasing True/False: Inefficiency occurs when an economy is operating outside its production possibilities curve. Everyone in the economy is happy. when it is producing less than the maximum output with the available resource and technology. d. it is producing the maximum output with … Macro_Chapter_1_study_guide_questions_13e, Macro_Chapter_16_study_guide_questions_13e. resources are limited (scarce) and efficiency implies that all are already in use. Allocational, or allocative, efficiency is a property of an efficient market whereby all goods and services are optimally distributed among buyers in an economy. d. the economy is producing inside of its PPC. Step-by-step solution: Chapter: Problem: FS show all show all steps. A. This economy can produce more cookies if: That when resources are currently being used inefficiently, it is possible to c. on the production possibility curve. When a firm or economy is operating efficiently, it is operating. d. it is not possible to produce more of any good at any cost. Add comment. An economy will operate on the production possibility frontier if all the accessible resources are utilized efficiently. d. at the x- or y-axis intercepts of the b. the economy is producing beyond its PPC. c) the production possibilities frontier (PPF) shifts inward as more of only one good is produced. QUESTION 58 Which of the following is true when an economy is producing efficiently? Get step-by-step explanations, verified by experts. Which of the following is correct. If an economy is producing efficiently, then a. there is no way to produce more of one good without producing less of another good. b. there is always a positive opportunity cost to increasing output. b. inside the production possibility curve. National Welfare Fund (Russia): One of two parts of the Russian sovereign wealth fund, the other being the Reserve Fund. Introducing Textbook Solutions. This preview shows page 2 - 5 out of 6 pages. Asked Feb 09, 2015. Concepts covered include efficiency, inefficiency, economic growth and contraction, and recession. D-it is not possible to produce more of any good at any cost. b. resources are limited (scarce) and efficiency implies that all are already in use. National Welfare Fund (Russia): One of two parts of the Russian sovereign wealth fund, the other being the Reserve Fund. *Any point on a country’s PPF represents a combination of two goods that an economy can produce using all available resources and technology. But … the rock garden increases the value of Xavier's house, and also increases the value of Xavier's neighbor Zelda's house. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. When a firm or economy is operating efficiently, it is operating on its production possibilities frontier. c. prices greatly exceed the production costs. It equals the highest level of production an economy can sustain for the long-run. If an economy is operating at a point that is inside of its production possibilities frontier, then it can be assumed that its resources are: A) efficiently allocated. Which of the following is the best description of an economy? The economy is producing on the production-possibilities curve. Reference: Ref 7-4 (Table) The table provides short run total An economy is producing efficiently only if it is operating a. outside the production possibility curve. Productive efficiency, on the other hand, is when an economy is using all of its resources efficiently, producing the greatest output for the smallest input. Available resources are efficiently and fully employed c. output can only be d. An economy is producing effiecntly if it is producing on its PPF False As long as the marginal benefit from a good is greater than its marginal cost , an economy is operating efficiently. Recent Posts. The opportunity cost is zero, because the economy is operating at full capacity b. C) Experiencing An economy (from Greek οίκος – "household" and νέμoμαι – "manage") is an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services by different agents. c. it is possible to produce more of one good without producing less of another good. ECO 450 Week 5 Mid Term . A-there is no way to produce more of one good without producing less of another good. If the economy is operating on its PPF, this implies that: a. Given what is technologically feasible, something can or cannot be done. B. In this video, Sal explains how the production possibilities curve model can be used to illustrate changes in a country's actual and potential level of output. If an economy is producing a combination of goods that places it inside the production possibilities curve then it has: idle factors of production or inefficient use of resources. Your Answer: TIP: If it's not your answer to this question, please click "Leave a Comment" button under the question to communicate with the question owner. African sleeping sickness is due to (a) Plasmodium vivax transmitted by Tsetse fly (b) Trypanosoma lewsii transmitted by Bed Bug (c) Trypanosoma gambiense transmitted by Glossina palpalis (d) Entamoeba gingivalis spread by Housefly. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. the production possibilities curve shifts inward as more of one good is produced. B) over-utilized. consumers do not want more of both goods. When it is at full employment, it operates on the PPC. A Goods and services are being produced using the most resources. c. it is not possible to produce more of one good without less of another good. (Co-)operating efficiently and safely from a distance But one thing is certain: production processes must continue or restart, and interrupted new projects must be resumed as soon as possible. When an economy is operating efficiently, the production of one more unit of a good will result in some loss of production of another good because:a) resources are limited and efficiency implies that all resources are already in use. C) an economy that is operating efficiently can have more of one good without giving up some of another good. It is also referred to as the full Last year, its economy was operating efficiently at point A. Operating efficiently, it is producing the highest possible amounts of goods that it can produce. Plants have to be regularly maintained, commissioned, optimized or quickly converted to the production of alternative products, even though technicians cannot be personally on site. When a dynamic labor market is operating efficiently, mostly cyclical unemployment will be present. If an economy is operating inside its production possibilities frontier: A) it is producing efficiently. When an economy is operating efficiently the production of more of one good from ECO ECO2013 at Florida State University C. More of the economy's resources become idle. It increases the price of ice cream. This economy can produce more cookies if: A. Necessary conditions for market efficiency. you use your limited resources to produce the goods and services that you want to consume, the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay and the price actually paid, the different between the lowest price a seller is willing to accept and the price actually received, as production of a good increases, the opportunity cost of producing that good increases, a benefit or a cost of an activity that affects third parties, represents the maximum combinations of two goods that an economy can produce, an increase in the productive capacity of an economy, the ability to produce more output per resource. b. resources are limited (scarce) and efficiency implies that all are already in use. d. at the x- or y-axis intercepts of the production possibility curve. If the economy is operating on its PPF, this implies that: a. An economy’s full employment output is the production level (RGDP) when all available resources are used efficiently. oc the economy is producing on its PPC. In a business context, operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between an output gained from the business and an input to run a business operation. The production possibilities curve illustrates: A. ANSWER(S) 2 - A country specializes in agricultural production—in particular, pineapples and coconuts. 11. QUESTION 6 When an economy is operating efficiently, which is true? Society does best when it directs the production of each resource toward its specialty. The economy cannot produce more of one good without simultaneously reducing the output of another good. A-there is no way to produce more of one good without producing less of another good. If Kenneth is willing to sell his old table saw for $50 and manages to get $80 for it, he receives producer's surplus of: Xavier hires Yolanda to construct a rock garden in front of Xavier's house. When An Economy Is Operating Inside Its Production Possibilities Frontier, We Know That A. In summary, as long as the economy produces along the curve, the econ-omy is maximizing its resources. B) is producing inefficiently. Economic efficiency depends on the prices of the factors of production. The opportunity cost is zero, because the economy is operating at full capacity b. d. All of the above are correct. Report abuse. Question: 11. When an economy is producing efficiently it is: A) Producing a combination of goods and services beyond the production-possibilities curve. Penny is piano teacher and Dan is a tile layer. c. an economy that is operating efficiently can have more of one good without giving up some of another good d. scarcity can be eliminated. With Academic Economics we can provide you with the data necessary to have more informed conversations on campus about the economics associated with educating students and operating programs. QUESTION 58 Which of the following is true when an economy is producing efficiently? Question: 14. When an economy is operating efficiently the production of more of one good from ECO ECO2013 at Florida State University C) The curve needs to shift inward. Inputs would typically be money (cost), people (measured either as headcount or as the number of full-time equivalents) or time/effort. If an economy is producing a level of output that is on its production possibilities curve, the economy has no idle resources and is using resources efficiently. 0. Identifies the amount of consumer goods produced per year if all the economy's resources are used efficiently to produce consumer goods. Operational efficiency is primarily a metric that measures the efficiency of profit earned as a function of operational costs. The economy is getting the fewest goods and services from the available resources. •If the economy is operating on a point ON the curve, it is operating efficiently because it is a producing a mix of computers and bread that is the maximum possible from the available resources. Comparative advantage leads to producing at a: lower opportunity cost. Which of the following about unemployment is true? If an economy is operating on its production possibilities curve, it is: efficient and fully employed. D) scarcity can be eliminated. E. counts illegal activities in the underground economy. False. When it is at full employment, it operates on the PPC. If an economy is producing inefficiently, it is 37. when is an economy operating inefficiently? When an economy is in a recession, it is operating inside the PPC. When an economy is in a recession, it is operating inside the PPC. An economy is producing two goods, ice cream and cookies, and is currently operating efficiently. C-it is possible to produce more of one good without producing less of the other. There Are Unused Resources Or Inefficiencies In The Economy. This is an example of: when an economy is operating efficiently: when an economy is operating inefficiently: the production possibilities frontier is: the capitalist vision sees private property as desirable because: the capitalist vision sees market prices as: the capitalist vision sees government as: the socialist vision sees government ownership of resources: in a market economy, the question of "what to produce" is determined by: in a market economy, the questions of "how to produce" is determined by: determining the "for whom to produce" question by the distribution of income means that: according to the book "Capitalism and Freedom": according to milton Friedman, the proper functions of government include: when is an economy operating efficiently? D. It produces less ice cream. When an economy is operating at a point on its production possibilities frontier, then a. consumers are content with the mix of goods and services that is being produced. C-it is possible to produce more of one good without producing less of the other. 9. A. treats a dollar spent on candy bars the same as a dollar spent on education. QUESTIONS The economy is operating efficiently when O a technological change is occurring rapidly. Use the production. B-it is possible to produce more of both goods without increasing the quantities of inputs that are being used. When a firm or economy is operating efficiently, it is operating 48. d. its is not possible to increase production of any good. If An Economy Is Operating At A Point That Is Inside Of Its Production Possibilities Frontier, Then It Can Be Assumed That Its Resources Are: Misallocated. c. on the production possibility curve. Answer to If an economy is operating efficiently, to produce more of one good it must produce less of another.. Definition FALSE. It increases the price of cookies. The economy is producing on the production-possibilities curve. when an economy is operating efficiently: a. it's operating inside its PPF b. it is producing the maximum output with the available resources and technology c. it can produce more of a good without producing less of another d. all of Academic Economics provides a deeper understanding of what it takes to operate programs and educate students while also empowering a more informed conversation to take place on campus. 125. Something that is technologically efficient may not be economically efficient. B-it is possible to produce more of both goods without increasing the quantities of inputs that are being used. b. inside the production possibility curve. Some land is better suited for apples, while other land is best for oranges. Productive efficiency (or production efficiency) is a situation in which the economy or an economic system (e.g., a firm, a bank, a hospital, an industry, a country, etc.) Can you help them? An economy that is operating inside its production possibilities curve could, by moving onto it, produce more of all the goods and services that people value, such as food, housing, education, medical care, and music. An economy is producing efficiently only if it is operating a. outside the production possibility curve. If an economy is producing efficiently, then it is possible for that economy to produce more of one good without producing less of the other. When an economy is operating efficiently, the production of more of one good will result in the production of less of some other good because a. consumers do not want more of both goods. b. it is possible to produce more of both goods without increasing the quantities of inputs that are being used. A production possibilities curve illustrates how efficient an economy is by indicating the possibly opportunities in the economy. when it is producing the maximum output with the available resources and technology. a.some of one good must be given up to get more of another good in an economy that is oeprating efficiently. possibilities data for Lebos and Slavia below to answer the question(s). An economy operates more efficiently by producing that mix. Suppose near the end of one-day Betty still has 12 loaves of bread on hand. However, as we move along the B)A large amount of unemployed resources will shift the production possibilities curve outward. Correct! Concepts covered include efficiency, inefficiency, economic growth and contraction, and recession. When it is at full employment, it operates on the PPC. When improving operational efficiency, the output to input ratio improves. 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