If the meter cannot be installed for any reason, your retailer will contact you and schedule another time to install the meter. Alternatively, you may wish to switch electricity retailers. However, a technician will need to turn off the communication feature if the smart meter has been installed, and do regular meter readings at your premises. Several retailers offer smart meters free-of-charge with new contracts for certain customers. Information on different ways you can pay for products and services. Select one of the tiles below to get started. The Remote Re-energisation Safety Statement includes details of the minimum checks and tests required tprior to issuing the certificate. If you are moving house or you are renovating, your request for disconnection must be completed within two business days from the date the metering provider is notified of your request to disconnect, unless another date is agreed. Advertising is an effective way to attract customers, but the law says advertising must be truthful and easy to understand. Select one of the tile below to get started. Information on how to run a sweep or calcutta in NSW. If you live in VIC, you'll have one of the meters pictured below installed. Once you have provided your retailer with the necessary documentation, your retailer must switch your electricity supply on within two business days, unless you have agreed to another date. Your energy data and personal information is classified as confidential information under the National Electricity Rules and the Privacy Act 1988. A smart meter replaces the current electricity and/or gas meter you have. Access to metering data is limited to registered energy market participants, such as retailers and meter providers. How to read a meter. Contact your retailer if you notice your meter is not working properly. } A smart meter, also called a digital meter, measures the amount of electricity used at your home or business over short intervals. A smart meter can be turned on and off remotely when you are moving in and out without the need for a technician to visit your property. Before the meter can be installed your retailer may organise someone to inspect the meter board and isolation fuses. [CDATA[// >. Smart meters Smart meters (also known as interval meters) record usage in 15 or 30-minute intervals. A smart meter is a device with a digital two-way communication system that measures when you use electricity and how much. Before getting a new smart meter, your electricity retailer will tell you: Many retailers will install your meter for free or as part of your electricity contract, but you may need to shop around if your retailer does not offer smart meter upgrades. A NSW discussion paper has recommended the state introduce a “market-led” rollout of electricity smart meters, saying it would be costly to taxpayers and consumers if the system was mandated by government. Effective from 1 July 2016, Smart Meter Roll Out in NSW … This helps you work out how to save money on your bills. Set up to protect home owners and rectify defective building work early in the life of high-rise strata buildings. Information on buying and selling different types of property. If your retailer is actively installing smart meters in your area, they will send you two notices telling you about their plans. A meter reading must occur at least once a year. Traditional meters are read every three months. Where your apartment or townhouse shares a fuse with other dwellings, the power will be turned off for all dwellings on a shared fuse when a new meter is installed. Government-owned meters were installed as part of the NSW metering scheme and are subject to a metering service charge to cover the cost of operation and maintenance in accordance with the national metering standards. You will need to pay for electrical upgrade work to be done. Popular Posts. If you do not want a new meter, you have the right to refuse one if your meter is still in working order. Our laws guarantee your right to repairs, replacements and refunds. The remote readings are 30-minute interval kWh data, which are sent through to our metering and retailer billing systems by your retailers appointed meter data provider. It is usually possible to have a smart meter installed without your owner’s permission if the existing meter board does not require any upgrades or electrical work. This allows you to avoid receiving an estimated bill. Smart meters can quickly identify electricity supply outages and notify your electricity distributor. Refer to the Australian Energy Regulator fact sheet Smart Meters and You for more information about national metering requirements. border-left: 8px solid #dee3e5; Find out about the differences between meters. They can let you know the reason, including any planned or unplanned outages. SafeWork NSW has strong powers to take enforcement action and fines of up to $6000 may apply. if any electrical wiring work has been done. Useful information before you renovate, extend or repair your existing home. The meter board also needs to be inspected to see if your apartment or townhouse shares an isolation fuse with other dwellings in your building. it is big enough to fit your smart meter and potentially other meters down the track, how long the electricity supply to your premises has been switched off. A smart meter can provide you with more information about how you use electricity. If your meter is faulty or stops working, your retailer must replace it with a smart meter. Information to help you be a licensed tradesperson. A smart meter (also known as an advanced meter or 'type 4' meter) is a device that digitally measures your energy use. var link = "#" + ref; Smart Meters in New South Wales The NSW Solar Bonus Scheme was introduced by the NSW Government in January 2010. Information on how to run housie and bingo gaming activities in NSW. A smart meter is a device that automatically records water use, has the ability to electronically report water usage information at regular intervals and provides instant access to data that can highlight any issues or trends to better manage the water network. The AER has further information about embedded networks and accessing retail competition. For NSW, QLD or SA please see our FAQ for Digital Meters. // var getNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.content h2'); Find out how to start and run a co-operative in NSW. tocDiv.innerHTML = ToC; The older-style non-digital basic or accumulation meters will be phased out and replaced with digital meters over time. For example, you can save money if you use less energy in peak periods. All new electricity meters installed for residential and small business customers in NSW need to be advanced digital meters (sometimes called ‘smart’ meters). You will need to pay for the upgrade. The NSW Government developed Energy Switch so you can quickly and easily compare energy plans for free. Select a tile below to get started. There is a CCEW 'Smart' PDF form that licensed electricians can use. list-style: none; Your retailer must give you four business days’ notice of this power outage. You must supply Fair Trading with a copy of your ‘safety management system’ which shows how  you will follow the Code for the safe installation of electricity meters in NSW. More information: Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency. Contact your electricity retailer if you want a smart meter. If you don’t want a smart meter, you can ask your retailer to have the ‘smart’ or remote telecommunications function turned off either before it is installed or after it has been installed. Your solar panels must remain inactive until a new smart meter has been installed. #dynamictocnative { An embedded network is a private electricity network with a single main electricity meter (parent meter) connection and many ‘child’ meter connections at individual sites. These solutions offer a broader range of remote monitoring and alerting capabilities as well as provide powerful data analytics tools to help companies and individual users optimize their energy, wat… You must make sure that work is not done on electrical equipment while the equipment is energised. Information on draw lotteries, no-draw lotteries, mini number lotteries, progressive lotteries and free lotteries. Select a tile below to get started. Learn about your rights and what to do if a product you purchased isn’t quite right. carry out those services in accordance with the accepted plan. Your electricity retailer calculates your final bill. After the safety inspection has been conducted, a completed Remote Re-energisation Safety Statement form is provided to the customer. It will record your electricity usage and will need to be read manually by a technician. A smart meter measures your energy consumption and solar export (if applicable) every 30 minutes and sends the information onto your distributor. You can also choose to change to a time-of-use rate. If you want a time-of-use rate, you need a smart meter. You can ask the building owner or owners corporation who this is if you are unsure. On average, smart meters cost $53 in 2010 and a further $25 in 2011, over the year. These meters s measure your consumption with great accuracy and will stop you receiving an estimated bill if you have received one in the past. There may be challenges to change suppliers, but embedded network customers have the right to seek access to a retailer of choice. Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales Annexure, Guidelines for Development of Safety Management Plans for Remote De-energisation and Re-energisation of Premises of Small Customers by Metering Providers and Retailers PDF, 312.63 KB, Remote Re-energisation Safety Statement form, have a Safety Management Plan in force, and. I was told that the waiting period would be between 3 to 6 months time. var title = el.textContent; Meters must be installed following the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules and the Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales. Motor vehicle repairs, maintenance and fees. Your retailer must install the new smart meter within 15 business days, or a later date if agreed by you. Go to the electrical compliance requirements page for details on how to use CCEW 'Smart' PDF form. There is no established scientific evidence that the low levels of EMFs from smart meters cause any health effects. A smart meter can be read remotely. This service may incur a charge depending on the situation. /*-->'+contentsTitle+'